Essential Oil Perineal Massage

24 iunie 2019
Essential Oil Perineal Massage

Massaging the perineum with essential oils can be very beneficial both for conditioning the area prior to giving birth and for postpartum recovery. However, you must keep in mind that not all essential oils are equally recommended; before using a particular brand of essential oil, you should check the following, in order to verify the purity of the oil:

  • if the label clearly states the name of the source plant;
  • if the manufacturer is certified to meet the applicable industrial standards;
  • production methods;
  • the origin country of the harvest and whether the label bears purity stickers.

Essential oils are always used in a mix: 2-3 drops of essential oils mixed with coconut oil as a carrier.
Essential oil massage during pregnancy helps soften the skin and increases the elasticity of perineal tissue, thus substantially contributing to giving birth without suffering a perineal tear.
A mix of coconut oil, lavender, and helichrysum helps the skin by reducing irritation and smoothing out blemishes while preparing the perineum for labor. It is recommended that massage be given daily starting with the 37th week of pregnancy.
Gently massaging the perineum during the uterine contractions that lead to fetal expulsion helps it relax and gradually stretch, decreasing the risk of a tear or the need for an episiotomy. You can prepare in advance a mix of coconut oil, incense, and rose oil, and keep it in a dark-tinted bottle until using it during labor.
After birth, intravaginal massage greatly helps to restore, heal, hydrate, and calm the irritation of the vaginal mucosa. Apply a mix of coconut oil, incense, helychrisum, and a few drops of water inside the vagina and over the perineum, either directly or by spraying.
I use and recommend doTerra oils, and Stephanie Fritzțs book “Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth, Babies”, as a source of information on oil mixes, perineal massage during pregnancy, labor, and afterwards.
For additional information, registration in the doTerra network, or purchasing the book, feel free to contact us: 0753 072 902 or


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