Why You Should See Your Midwife In Your 12th Week

24 ianuarie 2017
Why You Should See Your Midwife In Your 12th Week

If you have just entered your 12th week of pregnancy and had your first meeting with your obstetrician, now it’s the time to schedule an appointment with your midwife.
The midwife will give you the first advice and recommendations about: doing pelvic toning exercises if you intend to deliver naturally and avoid perineal tears, nutrition and dieting, which are essential to the normal development of your baby, recognizing the first signs of depression, its causes and remedies.
The midwife will check your weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. She will show you how to relax using music therapy, by regulating your breathing in order to provide your baby with more oxygen, to maximize its chances to have a high IQ later in life. You and your midwife will discuss the options for the location where you will give birth and if you choose to deliver assisted by a physician or a midwife.
You will have the opportunity to inform your midwife if you are in a special situation, and tell her what particular needs you may have. You will start together a care plan tailored to your needs, which you will follow throughout your pregnancy.
Intermedicas – Midwife Services
15B-15C Alexandru Averescu Blvd., 5th floor, Bucharest
Reception: 021 222 1370
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